Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Kampung Naga is a part of the village of Neglasari. It is in the Salawu district, regency of Tasikmalaya, West Java. The peaceful and green village is only 500 metres from the main road between Garut and Tasikmalaya. To reach the place, people should go down a strairway of 350 steps. It leads from the side of highway to the place on the Ciwulan river. The village is located on a hillside by the river.

The population of the village keeps on dwindling. It means that the number of the people is gradually smaller and smaller. Many younger people have gove to find jobs at other places like Tasikmalaya, Bandung, Bogor, and Jakarta.

The "Kuncen" or village eider, Darodji, said there were 347 people in 1979. Ten years later there were 329 and in 1991 there were only 319 people which consisted of about 100 families.

Most of the Kampung Naga villagers are either farmers or farm labourers. They live very simply. They do not demand much. For example, the rich man in the village lives in a house which is not different from any other in the village. There is not television set, no bed with mattress, no sofa, not even a cupboard. They do not paint their house either.

The people of Kampung Naga believe that they are descendants of Eyang (Grandfather) Singaparna. He was believed as the person who created the village. There are a number of taboos in the Kampung Naga Society. These are known as the tilu basa, or the three taboos, which are pamali, teu hade and cadu.

Pamali is the 'small' taboos. For example: sleeping in front of a door, or mentioning the name of Eyang Singaparna. Teu Hade is more serious, for example to commit adultery. The most serious taboo is cadu, for example damaging the bumi ageung, which  is the community hall or defiling the grave of Eyang Singaparna.

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