Thursday, June 22, 2023


Budi selesai nonton Tv di ruang tengah, ya yang acara sinetron dengan tema cinta gitu. Budi duduk santai di depan rumahnya sedang membaca cerpen yang ceritanya menarik, ya sambil menikmati minum kopi dan makan gorengan gitu. 

Isi cerita yang baca Budi :

Bhavesh Joshi, Sikandar "Siku" Khanna and Rajat are three young men, who meet in an anti-corruption rally and become friends. They later come up with a You Tobe channel Insaaf TV, creating an online show about justice and trying to show the people about the common wrongdoings and corruption which are rampant in the city. Initially, their show garners success, where they wear paper-bag masks and help to solve or confront some small scale corruptions in and around their neighborhood. Time goes by; Siku and Rajat get jobs at the corporate sector after completing their graduation. Their interest for Insaaf TV gradually fades out except for Bhavesh, who gets obsessed about eradicating corruption from society and continues with his vigilante acts, despite a fall in their channel viewership.

Bhavesh receives an email from an elderly citizen about water problems existing in and around his locality and starts investigating the case. Bhavesh discovers that the water pipes across the city meant for delivering water to the households have been fitted with extra pipes to siphon out water to water tankers which are then delivered to the various neighborhoods making people buy the same water which they were supposed to receive for free from the municipality. Bhavesh leaks this news to his channel, and this results in the water crime syndicate leader Patil, who is responsible for this act, to order a manhunt to look into the true identity of the masked man behind Insaaf TV.

Meanwhile, despite providing all the proper documents and doing multiple follow ups with the local police station, Siku's police clearance for his VISA processing to move to the US doesn't get approved, until he pays a bribe to the police officials to get the things done. Bhavesh becomes furious knowing this, and they initially get into a verbal argument. An enraged Bhavesh tells that all the government officials and politicians are corrupt and should be eradicated to cleanse the society with Siku recording his dialogues on his phone. Bhavesh later punches Siku, breaking his nose. An enraged Siku uploads the video on the Insaaf TV channel.

Soon, Bhavesh is termed by the media as national fugitive and is beaten by an angry mob and also arrested by the police and his identity gets exposed to Patil, who warns him; desperate to prove his innocence and uncover the truth to people, Bhavesh sets out to gather evidence despite being injured. He gets caught in the process and Patil beats him to death. The police hand over his body to Siku for last rites claiming it to be a road accident, and further warn him not to get involved into this. Blaming himself for Bhavesh's death, Siku tricks the police into believing that he has left for US and takes refuge in an abandoned hotel which previously served as a safe house for their gang. He sets out covering his face in a mask and inadvertently blows up Patil's pump house, where he used to fill the siphoned water to the water trailers.

It is then revealed that Patil has backing from the local minister named Rana. Siku gets himself a new vigilante costume, buys a motorcycle, customizes it by fitting nitro cylinders and interrogates government officer Subhash Mhatre who reveals that Bhavesh was killed by Patil as he was about to uncover his illegal water supply activities. A fight breaks out between him and Mhatre's men during the interrogation, and a nearly defeated Siku is saved by Bhavesh's martial arts trainer. Siku posts his interrogation video in Justice TV and reveals that he himself as the still-alive Bhavesh Joshi and also starts learning martial arts and other combat skills from the martial arts trainer.

As the video goes viral, Patil gets arrested by the police. However, Mhatre gets killed, with police claiming it to be a suicide and Patil is released due to a lack of evidence. Siku disguises himself and visits the dance bar which Patil visits every night. He plants a bug in Patil's VIP room and gets to know that he is planning to blow up the water pipes across the city to create an acute shortage of drinking water. However, police inspector Sunil Jadhav discovers him in the bar one night, and after a long drawn-out motorcycle chase, Siku escapes, causing an angered Patil to kill a constable and forcing police to frame Bhavesh for the constable's death.

Suspicious about who is behind Justice TV after Bhavesh's demise, Rajat spies on Siku's girlfriend, Sneha and discovers that Siku is still in India and has assumed Bhavesh's identity.When Siku goes home, Rajat confronts him. He says to him about the risks of his vigilantistic actions and how it could endanger his loved ones including him (Rajat), so Siku tells him "So join me, in this war for justice" . Siku arrives at the place targeted by Patil's men and fights them, later being defeated and unmasked in the process. They succeed in their mission of blowing up the water pipes with a wounded Siku watching in vain. Patil and Rana tell Inspector Jadhav to kill Siku and dump his body in water, thus blaming Bhavesh for this act against Mumbai.

Jadhav hesitantly shoots and injures Siku. Rajat follows Siku and captures everything on camera. Once Siku is thrown into the water, Rajat rescues him and takes him to a hospital. However, Siku suggests him to let people think that he's dead and so Rajat admits him to the hospital under a fake name. As Siku recovers, Mumbai suffers from the acute drinking water crisis. Rana meets the CM and tells him that he can arrange for water free of cost but instead should get the contracts of all future water related projects. Everyone gets drinking water for free, and both the CM and Rana become heroes in common people's eyes.

Rajat delivers the video of that night to Jadhav via a kid and forces him to open an investigation about the blast. As the true news spreads across the city, Bhavesh starts gaining support and protests begin everywhere. One night, Siku infiltrates Rana's house; Rana comes down, sees all his bodyguards knocked out and encounters Insaaf-Man (based on Rajat's graphic novel) at the balcony.


Selesai baca cerpen, ya buku di tutup dengan baik dan buku di taruh di bawah meja sama Budi. Eko datang ke rumah Budi, ya memarkirkan motornya dengan baik di depan rumah Budi. Eko duduk dengan baik, ya dekat Budi. 

"Aku punya cerpen yang ceritanya menarik, ya aku ingin minta tanggapan Eko gitu," kata Budi. 

"Tanggapan aku. Cerpen Budi!" kata Eko. 

"Cerpennya. Aku ambil dulu, ya aku taruh di bawah meja," kata Budi. 

Budi mengambil cerpen di bawah meja, ya selembar keras gitu bentuk cerpen itu. 

"Ini cerpennya!" kata Budi. 

Budi menyerahkan cerpen pada Eko. Ya Eko mengambil cerpen tersebut dari tangan Budi, ya di baca dengan baik cerpen gitu sama Eko. Budi menunggu Eko selesai baca cerpen dengan menikmati minum kopi dan gorengan gitu. 

Isi cerpen yang di baca Eko yang berjudul 'ABE' :

Seorang laki-laki berusia 12 tahun bernama Abraham lahir dari keluarga Israel dan Palestina. Ibunya berdarah Israel dan beragama Yahudi, sementara ayahnya berdarah Palestina beragama Islam. Bahkan, keluarga dari pihak ibu memanggil Abraham dengan sebutan Avraham (dalam Bahasa Ibrani : אַבְרָהָם); sementara keluarga dari pihak ayah memanggil Abraham dengan sebutan Ibrahim (dalam Bahasa Arab : إِبْرَاهِيْم). Namun, Abraham hanya ingin dipanggil dengan sebutan Abe. Abe diam-diam bekerja pada seorang koki berdarah Afro-Brasili dan berkebangsaan Brazil bernama Chico di dapur "Mix It Up". Restoran Chico sendiri menyajikan makanan yang merupakan perpaduan kuliner khas Amerika Selatan dan Jamaika. Abe terinspirasi oleh Chico dan memiliki hobi memasak. Karena Abe stres mendengar pentengkaran ayah dan ibunya, Abe pun mencoba mengundang keluarganya untuk datang ke rumahnya. Kegemaran yang dimiliki Abe terus mendorongnya untuk menciptakan kuliner dari hasil perpaduan budaya Israel dan Palestina. Akhirnya, Abe mengundang semua keluarganya dan menyajikan makanan buatannya. Namun, rencananya tidak semulus yang Abe duga, keluarganya curiga tentang makanan yang bukan murni dari budaya masing-masing. Akhirnya, setelah kedua keluarga bertengkar, Abe kecewa dan menemui Chico. Keluarga Abe menyadari kesalahannya dan mencari Abe yang hilang. Abe ditemukan dari foto yang diunggah di media sosial bersama Chico. Akhirnya, setelah Abe ditemukan, keluarganya lebih harmonis dan tidak mempermasalahkan kedua perbedaan itu lagi.


Cukup lama Eko baca cerpen dan akhirnya selesai gitu. Cerpen yang berupa selembar kertas di taruh di meja gitu. 

"Gimana tanggapan Eko tentang cerpen tersebut?" kata Budi. 

"Ya ceritanya sih bagus sih," kata Eko. 

"Memang ceritanya bagus sih. Tapi ceritanya berkaitan dengan agama. Gimana Eko?" kata Budi. 

"Ya hidup ini pilihan manusia yang memilih agama yang di yakini dan di jalankan dengan baik aturan agama," kata Eko. 

"Memang hidup ini pilihan manusia," kata Budi. 

"Saling menghormati antara agama yang satu dengan agama lainnya. Jadi bisa rukun dengan baik gitu," kata Eko. 

"Kalau tidak ingin terjadi pertengkaran antar agama yang di yakini, ya lebih baik saling menghormati antar agama," kata Budi. 

"Jangan mencapur adukkan agama yang satu dengan lainnya, ya jadi akan jadi masalah, ya perselisihan antar manusia yang menyakini agama masing-masing," kata Eko. 

"Sebaiknya memang tidak boleh mencampur adukkan antar agama satu dengan lainnya. Tidak baik," kata Budi. 

"Kita ini keturunan pribumi di Indonesia. Di negeri ini di ajarkan untuk Toleransi," kata Eko. 

"Di negeri ini, ya memang kita di suruh Toleransi," kata Budi. 

"Kalau begitu main kartu remi saja!" kata Eko. 

"OK. Main kartu remi!" kata Budi. 

Budi mengambil kartu remi di bawah meja, ya kartu remi di kocok dengan baik gitu dan di bagikan dengan baik kartu remi. Eko dan Budi main kartu remi dengan baik gitu. 

"Enak jadi orang kaya," kata Budi. 

"Memang enak jadi orang kaya," kata Eko. 

"Andai aku punya harta leluhur gitu," kata Budi. 

"Warisan dari luhur, ya berupa apa Budi?" kata Eko. 

"Ya berupa benda keris saja gitu. Barang antik," kata Budi. 

"Keris. Barang antik," kata Eko. 

"Barang antik, ya keris itu. Di jual di toko yang menerima barang antik. Harga jualnya juga tinggi banget gitu Tempat penjualan barang antik itu, ya adanya di luar negeri gitu. Negara American gitu. Berdasarkan aku nonton vidio di jaringan internet gitu. Dari penjualan barang antik, ya keris....jadinya kaya gitu," kata Budi. 

"Jadi kaya dari menjual keris leluhur," kata Eko. 

"Emmmm," kata Budi. 

"Seandainya," kata Eko. 

"Iya. Seandainya. Kenyataannya, ya aku tidak punya warisan leluhur benda antik," kata Budi. 

"Kenyataan tetap kenyataan," kata Eko. 

"Emmm," kata Budi. 

Kedua terus main kartu remi dengan baik gitu. 



Malam yang gelap bertabur bintang di langit, ya bulan ada juga di langit dan keadaan lingkungan sekitar rumah Budi, ya baik dan tenang gitu....