Tuesday, January 1, 2019


By the end of the day. Me, Tasia, Josephine, and Elaina are heading to the western coast.

“The Western coast?” Tasia gave me a puzzled look.

“Yes indeed.” I giggled a little bit.

She looks like she’s guilty. All through we know today is April fool. We’re trying to get back of Tasia what she did last April fool. She fool us telling school’s over. We of course listen to her and walk to home. All i know i was grounded for a month. No junk food for a month! Can’t you believe how harsh it is? Anyway our plan is for Tasia to believe we’re going to the Western coast. When she find out we’re not then BOOM! Boom goes the canon.. Okay okay enough of hysterical joke. So the “Western Coast” Is a place where people goes swimming, relaxing, mediating and so much more. All through Tasia seemed to be stressed out lately. Tasia is bursting with excitement. She can’t believe it how happy she is to be invited to The Western Coast.

“All through, I’ve been fooling you all badly. But you pay back with such a sweet heart.” Tasia grinned. Everyone looks puzzled and didn’t knew what to say.

“Su-r.e,” I hesitate.

“Good news guys!” Tasia shouted.

“After the Western coast tour! We’re going to ‘Italy Restaurant’ My TREAT!” Tasia announced as everyone was shocked with nervousness and guilty.

Everyone don’t know what to say. A few moments later in front of the Western Coast. Tasia kept taking selfie in front of us and the building. That girl she never get rid of stupid selfie. We’re so terrified when Tasia told us to went inside and she kept prying. “I guess it’s time for tell her the truth.” Elaina said.

“Do we have a choice?” Josephine asked.

“No we don’t.” I muttered. We all were hesitant and then Josephine stood up, She’s always been the bravest one. You go girl! She speaks forwardly to Tasia which she looks a little bit disappointed.

“We’re sorry Tasia, But it’s–” Just before i said Tasia interrupt me.

“I should’ve told you I’m sorry.” Tasia respond classic. We all are looking at each other. What?

“What i meant, Two times in the row!” Tasia guffaw so hard that i could see her trip down.

“I got fooled-”

“By Tasia!” I respond her.

“You meant we!” Josephine and Elaina added.

“Well you know, Queen of Aprils fools.” Tasia retorted. Ugh Tasia is mentally smart how could she know it was a big trick of us to trick her. I guess it’s not worth it and we learn our lesson for today.

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